Association Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2002
The association meeting began at 7:00 pm at the Tise House.
2002 Board members attending: George Bryan, Ann Doherty, Amy Lindsey, Toni & David Phillips, Bill Gibson, Lee Ann Manning, Linda Kirby, Steve Joiner, Dan Falken
George Bryan asked all new attendees to introduce themselves. These were: Dan and Jennifer Entrikin, Rob Ulery, and Henry Phillips, infant son of Toni & David Phillips
Approval of Minutes from June Meeting: Lee Ann Manning gave highlights of the minutes from the June meeting; asked if there were any corrections. Since the minutes were lengthy, George asked members to review during the meeting, that he’d ask for a motion later in the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Joiner distributed current financial report, showing cash on hand = $11,321.91; investments = $10,443.04; total assets = $21,764.95. Current memberships: 139 residential members; 61 business members. Motion was made to accept finance report; seconded; passed unanimously.
Social Committee: Ann Doherty reported for Alex Flowers with plans for July 4th event. George thanked Lisa Elam, who put red, white, and blue ribbons on West End signs. July 4th party will include: parade for children and dogs, starting at 11:00am at corner of 4th and Forsyth Sts. They will parade to Tise House. A potluck lunch will be set up at Tise House. Hot dogs and beverages provided. All are encouraged to enter the apple pie contest. Asked for help with decorating early that morning.
Police Report: George had not received an updated police report this month. He noted that he especially wanted to see if police drive-throughs in neighborhood had made a difference in number of incidents. Amy Lindsay reported that Kevin has caught trespassers going into residents’ backyards and called police. Catherine Hendren said that someone knocked out the window of a vehicle parked at her house, but nothing was taken. George and Ann had visitor at front door asking for work. He actually showed an ID and George called police to report.
Historic District Commission: Lisa Elam noted that HDC has not yet posted agenda for next week’s meeting. George will e-mail agenda to members when he receives.
Renovations/Building at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: Cathrine Hendren, West End resident and member of St. Paul’s, discussed building plans at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, which will include a major addition to education building and loggia from current front of church to new addition. She invited all West End residents to a meeting on Tuesday, July 9 at 7:00pm to hear plans and discuss questions. She noted that many of the church members on planning committee are residents/supporters of West End. Catherine asked what West End residents’ concerns would be so that those issues would be addressed at meeting. Issues that West End association attendees noted included: parking; landscaping and appearance on Fifth St side; removal of trees; closure of alleys and streets; where square footage will be added; timetable; permits and certifications. Catherine distributed invitations to those who would like to attend. Amy Lindsey noted that she had heard that plans and staging will require all large trees would be cut down. Other concern is closing street and alley during this process.
George has asked WSJS to take razor-wire off parking lot fence.
South Central Area Plan: George gave a brief background of the South Central Area Plan process since January. After the initial presentation by the City County Planning staff at the YMCA for the West End/Holly Ave neighborhoods, many residents contacted George with concerns about SCAP. George put those concerns in a brief form (attached). In a June 26th meeting, West End residents and businesses reviewed those concerns with City County Planning staff members Margaret Bessette and Judy Hunt. At tonight’s meeting, George briefly noted each point , and Amy Lindsey elaborated on some points as needed.
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George reiterated that it is not too late to send ideas to CCP staff, so get those to George as soon as possible. Linda Kirby asked about signage; Mary Tatum noted that signs in HDO should fill those criteria, but that Reynolda Rd area is not in historic district.
Approval of Minutes: George asked if there were any revisions to June meeting minutes. Bill Gibson asked that the term “city county planning board” be checked. He thought the correct term might be “city county planning committee.” Steve Joiner noted that the number of business members last month was 57, not 51. Bill made a motion to accept the minutes with the revisions; motion was seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor of motion.
Report from Board of Adjustment Hearing: Dave and Marilyn Poorbaugh reported on their hearing earlier today with the Board of Adjustment. Dave and Marilyn have been working to return their home, the Thomas Welch house, to a bed and breakfast with 3 rooms. At today’s hearing, the BOA turned down their petition because of two points: 1) Summit St. is already too congested; and 2) Location of handicapped parking.
Poorbaughs noted that their house has sufficient parking behind the house for the 3 rooms they propose; that handicapped parking is as convenient there as at most bed and breakfasts. Their proposal complies with all regulations, but BOA’s reasons for denial don’t seem to be valid. They have to apply for the variance because the house had not been a bed and breakfast continuously. They have received no objections from neighbors. The BOA would not let the Poorbaughs address the BOA during the hearing.
BOA said that Poorbaughs have no reason to go further with proposal of bed and breakfast because they need variance. The Poorbaughs asked if the WEA would support their proposal and appeal. George noted that if the Poorbaughs decide to appeal, the WEA can take up the issue at a board meeting and if the board approves, make a motion of support for the Poorbaughs. With such a motion, WEA could provide a letter the Poorbaughs can take to appeal. The question was asked what the recommendation was from the Planning Board, which the Poorbaughs noted was for approval. The Poorbaughs were given the suggestion of a lawyer they might want to contact if they choose to appeal.
House Tour: Nora Garver reported that the House Tour is proceeding. Currently have eight houses considered for tour. Much interest from area businesses that will be open that Sunday for meals, drinks, shopping, etc. She requested that members volunteer to help work in houses, etc. Lynette Matthews-Murphy has volunteered to help with press releases and publicity.
Tax Credits: Lisa Elam reported on issue of pooled tax credits, questioned at June meeting. Lisa found that such pooling is not feasible because such credit must be used by property owner. If someone holding tax credits wanted to “give” those credits to another homeowner, the tax credit owner would have to enter into some sort of contractual ownership with homeowner so credits could be used on homeowner’s house.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Ann Manning