Association Meeting Minutes
April 1, 2003
The association meeting began at 7:05 pm at the Tise House.
2003 Board members attending: Ann Doherty, Dave & Marilyn Poorbaugh, David Poythress, Susan Hutson, Andrea Thomas, David Phillips, Karen Durell, Bud & Barbara Goldsmith, Steve Joiner, Linda Kirby, and Lee Ann Manning.
Ann Doherty opened the meeting by asking any new members or first time attendees to introduce themselves: Don Jones, Sean Grady, Hilary Constable, and Sandy Russ.
Membership/Treasurer’s Report: Steve Joiner distributed financial reports. He noted that soon the association would need to decide whether to deposit some assets into another CD. He reported that the membership drive is a little static. With 82 residential members, the WEA has fewer members than at this time last year. He asked the members to encourage others to join.
Business Report: Linda Kirby reported that all flyers are available for upcoming newsletters, so asked members to look for advertising opportunities.
Approval of Minutes from March Meeting: Lee Ann Manning asked if there were any corrections to the minutes as provided. Motion was made to accept as presented; seconded, and passed unanimously.
Dates for Future Meetings: Ann noted that the Tise House has some bookings in 2003 which might conflict with Tuesday night meetings. She will research the specific dates and get back with the association on alternate association meeting dates.
Social Committee: Ann Doherty noted that there will not be a WEA social for April. A tentative location for the May social is being planned; details will be announced.
Report on Alley Issue on Jarvis Street – David Poythress reported that the City Council voted unanimously on the consent agenda to uphold the HRC decision and deny the request by the Kings to close the alley. He noted that the issue of alleys has brought many calls from West End residents about the status of alleys on their own properties.
Police Report: Ann had not received a police report for the month, but brought up the issue of reports of porch furniture stolen from West End homes being sold in area consignment shops. Cathy Stanley reported that she had rocking chairs stolen from her porch, which she found being sold in a consignment store in the Reynolda Road area. Cathy said that after some research, she has heard numerous reports of similar incidents and shared her concern that some of the consignment shop owners do not screen the purchases of items when there are questionable circumstances. There was much discussion regarding how homeowners can prevent thefts (photographing furniture, chaining to porches, labeling, etc) as well as much concern and ideas on how the police and shop owners can prevent these incidents. One suggestion was that the police establish a “hot list” of stolen items that could be circulated to shop owners. Ann reminded everyone of the importance of informing police of all incidents. She suggested that the board will formulate a strategy for dealing with the problem and report back to the members.
Historic Resources Commission: Lisa Elam reported that agenda items for the next HRC meeting include: 1) COA for a garage to replace one torn down by the Kuceras; 2) a request for vinyl siding to be put over asbestos siding at 1021 West End; and 3) construction of brick driving strips in front of home at 1254 West 4th. Lisa asked if the WEA has any positions for her to make on these issues at the meeting.
There was much discussion regarding the proposal for vinyl siding. The property in question is a contributing structure. Precedence has been set in that area by HRC allowing vinyl siding because vinyl (instead of asbestos) will bring the structure into keeping more with look of siding in the area. David Poythress felt that the WEA should continue its practice of support the HDO guidelines, which do not support vinyl siding. Bill Gibson noted that while the WEA should support the design and review guidelines, those same guidelines don’t disallow vinyl siding. Some attendees were very concerned that the costs involved with installing wood siding and maintaining it should be taken into consideration; that these costs will ultimately keep more residents from moving into the West End area. Some noted that all property owners are made aware of the HDO and its guidelines before purchasing property. Others felt that the HRC needed to be more equitable when approving or disapproving COAs. David Poythress pointed out that this equity is one reason the WEA wants to review the HDO guidelines with the HRC and make the guidelines more clear to all.
Attendees suggested various drafts of an appropriate motion. Bill Gibson made the motion that the WEA did not support the use of vinyl siding on contributing structures. The motion was seconded. Discussion regarding the wording and support for and against the motion followed. The majority vote was in favor of the motion, with one opposing vote.
Some attendees voiced concerns that they felt such issues kept some West End residents from getting involved in the WEA. Ann reminded attendees how important their voices are in such issues in the WEA.
Ann asked if the group had any motions regarding the other two issues before the HRC. The point was made that driveway pads in front of homes have not been supported. In this particular case, the house and yard are small; the driveway pads will remain in front of the house (not use side of house as HRC has suggested). John Merschel moved that the WEA oppose the parking strips. The motion was seconded. The vote was in favor of the motion. Lisa Elam noted that for the garage, the footprints are the same as the garage removed earlier because of termite damage. This proposal does include a guest bedroom over the garage. Dewey Yarborough asked if it’s possible the bedroom could be turned into an apartment later. Because of zoning for that particular property, it could be used as an apartment.
Proposed Art Show in Grace Court Park: Kathleen Ramich and Cathy Stanley presented a proposal that the WEA sponsor an arts festival in Grace Court Park, similar to popular May Fests held in past years. They have researched times in Winston-Salem that would be good for such an event and found that September might be a good time. The attendees supported the idea, so Kathleen and Cathy will look into possible dates that the park is available. Ann Doherty moved that Kathleen and Cathy form the committee to pursue an arts event. The motion was seconded, and the vote was unanimous in favor.
Fourth of July: Ann noted that Tise House has already been reserved by another group for the Fourth of July this year, so an alternate location for the WEA party is needed. One suggestion was that since the holiday falls on a Friday this year, the WEA request that the city block a street, and the WEA sponsor a “block party” in the neighborhood. Ann will look into options.
Fence in Hanes Park: Ann asked if anyone knew whether the new fence in Hanes Park is temporary or permanent. It appears to be temporary, but John Merschel pointed out that any structure in the park is supposed to be made know to the park, the school, the Y, and the neighborhood. Ann will investigate before the next meeting.
Results of Board Retreat on March 8th: Ann reported that from the board members’ retreat on March 8th, a list of about 25 possible priorities for the WEA has been compiled. She reported that the board would now like the members to review these possibilities and prioritize the projects they’d like to see the WEA tackle. A motion was made, seconded, and approved that instead of prioritizing as a group, individuals would complete their forms and return by May 1st.
Various Announcements:
· Kathleen Ramich thanked Wanda Merschel and the City Council for reinstating bulky item pickup.
· Ellen Yarborough reported that the IAF group’s official new name is CHANGE.
· Lisa Elam noted that in working on traffic calming issues, the city is looking for feedback and comments. A proposed plan is posted on the city’s website. A public hearing will be held on April 15th. She noted especially that a 2/3 majority of votes from each neighborhood is needed; no response is considered a negative vote.
· One attendee suggested that a camp or event for children in Grace Court Park be held.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Ann Manning, Secretary