Association Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2002
The association meeting began at 7:00 pm at the Tise House.
2002 Board members attending: Bill Gibson, George Bryan, Ann Doherty, Stuart & Andrea Thomas, Steve Joiner, Lee Ann Manning, Kathleen Ramich, David & Toni Phillips, Dan Falken, Susan Hutson & Reider Wallin, Craig Dishner, Linda Kirby
Announcements from Co-President George Bryan:
George asked those attending their first WEA meeting to introduce themselves. They were: Rick Pender; Verdell Hayes from AIDS Care Service; Derek and Helen Parsonage.
George has copies of the Historic West End nomination books available for $10.00 each.
Approval of Minutes from March Meeting:
Lee Ann Manning asked all for any corrections to the minutes from the March meeting. The following were noted: Linda Kirby had e-mailed the suggestion that the Historic District Commission section should read as follows for clarification of her report: “Linda Kirby and George reported that Ogburn has abandoned the idea of rebuilding both of the duplexes on West End Avenue, but that he has voiced several different ideas for the duplex that had been burned. Ogburn will present his proposal at Historic District Commission meeting tomorrow night. Discussion followed of the proposed use of the alley for the duplex projects, which would be precedent-setting. There would be a question of his needing a zoning variance if a third apartment were added to each unit of each duplex. If variance is granted, plans would have to be approved, so neighbors would have input in the process.” Other corrections: Ann Listokin attended the meeting, not “Pam” as noted. In the Economic Development report, the mayor who spoke to the development group was from South Carolina, not North Carolina. Motion was made to accept minutes with corrections. Motion was seconded. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Joiner provided a “snapshot” written reports for members, with following:
Cash on hand = $12,220.93 (checking account balance)
Investments = $10,443.04 (certificate of deposit)
Total Assets = $22,663.97
Accounts Receivable and Payable = $0
WEA currently has 123 resident members; 51 business members (which are the $75 advertisers).
Bill Gibson moved to approve the finance report. Motion was seconded; passed unanimously.
Social Committee:
Ann Doherty reported for Alex Flowers that the April 5th social will be hosted by Bill and Becky Gibson at 1315 Brookstown. A volunteer is needed for the May social.
By Laws Review:
Bill Gibson provided copies of the proposed By Laws with points still to be approved. He explained the following points about the proposed changes on the floor.
Article VI, Section 7- Transaction of Business: Since last meeting, wording has been clarified to state that “officers and directors shall regularly seek input from members of the Association in attendance on all matters that come for votes before the Board.” Bill explained that By Laws have always implied that although only officers and directors have voting rights, they seek input from Association members. The proposed wording now reflects clearly the important point that association members have a representative democracy in the association. In short, the Association members vote on officers so that officers and directors can represent the association members.
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Article VIII - Amendments to By Laws: Since last meeting, wording has been added (due to omission from By Laws presented at last meeting) that clarifies the quorum needed to vote any change to By Laws.
Bill asked if there were any questions to the By Laws as presented. John Merschel asked about point of husband and wife serving and having one vote. Bill pointed out that By Laws already address that issue under Article V, which states that “couples from same household may be considered as ‘one member’ and shall have only one vote.” There was some discussion about closed Board of Director meetings, which are not allowed under By Laws.
Ellen Yarborough made a motion to accept proposed By Law changes. Motion was seconded by Bob Listokin. Motion passed unanimously.
Police Report:
George did not have police report for the past month. David Phillips reported that they had a gas grill stolen from their back porch. John Hauser said someone tried to get in their house.
Historic District Commission:
George reminded all that he e-mailed the HDC agenda to all for those interested. Lisa Elam reported that issue of vinyl siding will come up at next meeting based on a replacement issue. Question about HDC’s position on siding, which is that they strongly discourage use. There was a reminder that any time a tree larger than 4” in diameter is to be cut down, the removal must be approved. Lisa Elam asked if there are any points the WEA would like her and David to make at HDC meeting tomorrow. None were suggested.
John Hauser introduced the special guest speaker, Jeremy George of Pepper Stone Masonry, who is doing lots of stone work in Winston-Salem. A retired fireman, George now owns the stone masonry business. As a fireman, he worked a lot in West End area, so knows the stone walls in this area.
Some notes from his remarks: When walls were built in 30s and 40s, masons used natural area rocks. Sidewalks poured after most walls, so walls go 16” below frost line in some cases. When repairing/replacing walls, he usually lays 8” block behind walls. Most walls don’t have “weep” holes behind them, so 8” block lets water drain. Trees cause lots of damage to walls. Even small ornamental trees will break walls. 8” blocks deter tree roots. Acid rain affects mortar joints. Many walls simply need repair to mortar joints instead of replacing wall. If wall is off footing, usually needs to be taken down to repair.
Some questions for George: What is Farmington field stone? From Davie County (example: rock used in Hanes Park sign). What about patching and matching color of mortar? Suggestions about using “khaki” color to match old mortar. What about repairing old brick? Repointing could help save brick. Cannot put stucco over old brick (per HDC). George talked a little about his procedures for estimating wall repair. He tries to save original rock as much as possible and reuse. Job is estimated on entire job, not by hour (more by square footage). Block saves time in laying wall.
New Business:
Communication Towers: George noted that Wanda Merschel pointed out that the approved bond package for communications included eight 450’ cell towers for law enforcement’s use. One of these towers is slated to be placed in an open lot that was the Naval Reserve on Brookstown Avenue. WEA needs to think about what that means to area. This proposed tower is not in middle of West End, but it is in a direct route between Old Salem area and West End. It will affect West End area by lights, etc. We need to ask if there are other places the towers can be placed, such as on existing buildings downtown. The current situation is still being discussed because different law enforcement factions (sheriff’s office and city police) do not agree on use of communications. WEA should let the city know that we think this is inappropriate use based on the Burke/First plan. Need to think about businesses such as restaurants, etc. Who would want to set up under a 450’ tower with flashing lights? George encouraged everyone to keep alert. He’ll let WEA know as issue progresses. Watch for planning meetings, etc.
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Broad Street: April 10th is second meeting on Broad Street development. Supposedly they have taken WEA ideas and are bringing these back in proposal format. Formal presentation at 5:00pm at South Central Library.
South Central Planning Committee: For Amy Lindsay, Kevin Lindsay reported that one idea being considered is changing First St. and Second St. to two-way traffic, starting at Broad St. through downtown, in hopes of making it safer. Also, part of the Broad St. improvement plan would cut off Brookstown Ave., which is the only direct route between Old Salem and West End. This is a historic route, one that WEA members feel should remain open, especially for business to area.
Two Other Traffic Points: George pointed out that Manly St. is in works of becoming one-way, UP the hill, to eliminate accidents at Broad St. / Manly St. intersection. Also, the stop sign at the intersection of Brookstown Ave / 5th St. will be made a 3-way stop.
Zoning Issue on First St: George attended meeting of group establishing Runnymeade Association. The group found that a residents’ association already exists. That group is working to stop the spot-zoning as they see it on First St (at the five-points area). George encouraged anyone interested to get involved with that meeting. First St. is 26% over capacity right now. Need to keep eye on development on Stratford Rd because there is nowhere else for the traffic to dump except onto First St. Much traffic moves down First St. to Hawthorne Rd., but much traffic still moves up First St. through to the downtown area.
John Hauser noted that houses near Hawthorne Rd / First St. intersection (behind auto glass repair shop) have been for sale for a long time. These would be candidates for spot-zoning, if we aren’t vigilant about watching zoning.
Nora Garver reported that five houses are on potential list for tour. She asked members to suggest houses that they would like to see on tours and passed around volunteer list for sign-ups. She, Ann Doherty, and Lee Ann Manning have contacted magazines to put tour on their events calendars. Nora is encouraging area restaurants to be open that Sunday for brunch, dinner; Antique shops to be open that afternoon. The suggestion was made to let advertisers know about idea of being open on Sunday of house tour. Another suggestion was to have open a designer home in a house that might be for sale. Nora asked for a house for volunteer party on the Saturday night before since Tise House is rented. Reynolda House, SECCA, Graylyn are all having their open houses that day.
House Signs:
Lisa Elam explained that bronze West End house signs are running $110 – 120. She’s looking at other vendors. There’s a $250 one-time, start up, tooling fee. Must order a minimum of 10. Lisa needs direction to proceed. For 2000 House Tour, we already must buy 10 to reimburse tour home owners as promised. Lisa asked if anyone knows another source. There was a question about which houses can have sign -- only contributing structures? George suggested that Board deal with details on which houses can use West End signs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Ann Manning