West End
Association Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2004
The association meeting began at 7:00 pm at the Tise House.
2003 Board Members in Attendance: George Bryan & Ann Doherty, Amy Lindsey, Steve Joiner, Jack Campbell, Linda Kirby, Dave Poorbaugh, Karen Durell, Reidar Wallin, David Poythress, and Lee Ann Manning.
Incoming 2004 Board Members in Attendance: Rick Pender, Julia Toone and Brian LeFevre, Jack Smith, and Andy Fitzgerald.
Announcements: George Bryan asked for self-introductions by any new attendees: Neil Marion, Julia Toone and Brian LeFevre.
Minutes: Lee Ann Manning asked if there were any corrections to the January meeting minutes as distributed. There were no corrections and the minutes were accepted unanimously as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Joiner distributed copies of the financial report. He noted that residential memberships now total 26; and business memberships total 37. George encouraged everyone to pay their memberships now.
House Plaques Report: George reported that David Poythress and Lisa Elam are currently trying to ensure that the house names requested for the house plaques are the correct names from the historic nominations info. As soon as that has been confirmed by the homeowners, the order will be placed. If anyone would like to order, there’s still time to order on this order.
Social Committee: George invited everyone to attend the West End social planned for Saturday, Feb. 7 at 7pm, to be held at the home of Jim and Missy Vaughan. (814 West End Blvd). This will be a potluck appetizer and dessert event, with WEA providing beverages. He encouraged all West End residents to attend and bring neighbors and friends.
Crime Watch Report: Field supervisor Officer Fine from the Winston-Salem Police Dept. distributed crime reports from the past month, noting only four incidents in January, including vandalism, burglary, auto theft, and housebreaking. The inclement weather played a great role in holding crime down during the month. There were no questions for Officer Fine.
Historic Resources Commission Meeting: George noted that the HRC meeting agenda was printed in the WEA newsletter; he asked if there were any concerns about the items before the HRC at the next meeting. There were no concerns about the agenda.
St. Paul’s Landscaping Plan: George introduced Catherine Hendren, West End resident and chair of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s Landscaping Committee. St. Paul’s has one of the agenda items before the HRC at the next meeting, a revision to their current COA for the new construction. The revision will ask to incorporate landscaping at this point in the construction process instead of later. She distributed a list of highlights with a map of the planned plantings, as well as pointing out plans on a large color drawing. She gave background on the landscaping project, which included polling church members and neighbors, choosing qualified landscape architects, etc. Some highlights of the landscaping plan include: simplified planting at the new building to highlight the original building; planting areas in the parking lot between Pilot View St. and Fifth St.; a green “border” around all the church property; creating two shady play areas; a picnic area; and commons, all of which can be used by the neighborhood as well as the church. Reidar Wallin explained that he went to a presentation of the plan. He was very enthusiastic about the plan and St. Paul’s work with the neighborhood. Catherine noted that St. Paul’s wants the community to use the facilities and grounds. Once the new facility is finished and the church can use those areas, renovation will begin on the lower two floors of the old facility. All the construction and renovation is planned to be finished by the end of December. Pilot View St. will be reopened when the project is completely finished. Catherine then explained that the revised COA also includes the removal of two trees that border very close to a homeowner’s property. The homeowner asked that the trees be removed because of washing in the area, so St. Paul’s is proposing to remove the trees and plant a dense hedge. There were questions about alley access in the area. Amy Lindsey moved that the WEA support the landscaping plan at the HRC meeting. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
YMCA’s Empty Lots: George reported that the last house has been razed from the property owned by the YMCA. The WEA board discussed options and approved a motion to be brought to the association. The motion is: “The WEA contribute up to $5000 for landscaping materials and design for the four-house property at the corner of Sunset and West End Blvd., contingent on the money being matched dollar for dollar, with a permanent deed restriction that the property be used within current zoning.” He explained that the property is zoned residential. The WEA board feels that the Y’s ultimate goal is to create another parking lot in that area. The WEA board feels that presenting such a proposal for landscaping to the Y would show the WEA’s clear intent and desire that the property should remain such that it could be returned to housing one day, and to show the WEA’s desire to help maintain it as such. He opened the floor for discussion. There was discussion about the property, its use as a potential park, etc. The motion was made to accept the motion as presented, and seconded. There was no further discussion, and the motion passed unanimously. The motion will be presented to the head of the YMCA and the chair of the Y’s board.
Property Slated for Demolition on Fifth St.: George reported that he and David Poythress talked with Ken Land, the owner of the house on Fifth St. that is slated for demolition if it is not brought up to code. They took a list of repairs that must be made to keep the house standing. They asked if he would be willing to sell the property, or what his intentions might be. The owner indicated that he plans to sell that property and the property he owns on Summit St. (which borders the property in question) within the next three years, so that he is on a schedule to make the repairs that are needed. George pointed out that City Council member Wanda Merschel has done all she can to keep this house from being demolished already, so there is not much else that can be done at this time.
Newsletter Distribution: Karen Durell needs a volunteer to distribute newsletters in the Pilot View / 6th St. area. It’s a route of about 50 homes.
Notes: A preservation tax credit workshop will be held on Thursday, Feb. 19 in Concord. George has details for anyone interested. West End resident Laura Ingram will perform Sat., Feb. 7 at the WS Symphony performances.
Election of New Officers and Board Members: George reported that the nominations committee and the WEA board had been working on the slate of officers for the 2004 year for the last few weeks. He thanked the board members who are finishing terms: Lee Ann Manning, Linda Kirby (who will continue helping as business manager, however), Stuart and Andrea Thomas, and Toni and David Phillips. The other current board members are either finishing the second year of their two-year terms or continuing on the board for a second term. He noted that the newsletter had contained the slate of nominees for officer positions and board members, which were also distributed at the meeting. The WEA by-laws require separate votes for the officers and the board members, so George first presented the slate of officers: David Poythress as president, Hilary Constable as secretary, and Steve Joiner as treasurer. He noted that the position of vice-president would be brought to the association in a later vote. He then introduced all the nominees who would be new members of the WEA board, and asked them to introduce themselves: Julia Toone and Brian LeFevre, Andy Fitzgerald, Jack Smith, Rick Pender, Sam Ogburn, Jr. (introduced in abenstia by George Bryan), and Hilary Constable (as Hilary was out of town for business, she sent an intro of herself which Lee Ann Manning read.) George noted that Sam Ogburn, Jr., does not live in the neighborhood, but the WEA by-laws require only that the board member live in or own property in the area. Sam Ogburn, Jr., owns much property in the area, and he is well-known for his excellent work in renovating facades of non-contributing structures so they fit with the neighborhoods. George asked if there were any other nominations from the floor; there were none. He asked if the association approved the slate of officers as presented; the vote was unanimous in favor of the slate of officers. He then asked if the association approved the slate of board members as presented; the vote was unanimous in favor of the slate of board members.
Final Remarks: David Poythress took the podium and noted that his goal for 2004 is to get more people involved in the WEA. He hopes to spend the meetings educating people about the process of renovation and the investment of real estate in a historic district. Steve Joiner thanked George Bryan and Ann Doherty for their service as co-presidents to the WEA, noting their concern and care about the West End and all aspects of life here.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Ann Manning
Outgoing Secretary