Jim Vaughan receives the
Resolution Recognizing the West End
from our alderman Wanda Merschel
The Resolution....
Jim's Acceptance Speech...
Honorable Mayor, Members of the Board of Aldermen:
I am Jim Vaughan, President of the West End Association. It is a privilege and an honor to
accept this resolution on behalf of the West End Neighborhood Association. Thank you for
providing us with this opportunity.
The West End Association has endeavored for over thirty years to improve, maintain and
preserve the beautiful West End Neighborhood. The West End has been described as the best
example of a turn-of-the century streetcar suburb in North Carolina. In fact, the name of
the Neighborhood derives from its location at the west end of a trolley line which
originated downtown. In the early part of the century, the West End was one of the best
places to live in Winston-Salem. As the wealthy residents moved to other neighborhoods in
the middle part of the century, the West End deteriorated and became a less desirable
place to live. Through the efforts of the residents of the West End Neighborhood and the
West End Association, the West End is again one of the best places to live in
Over the past thirty years, the West End Association, its members and friends have been
responsible for many significant improvements, enhancements and accomplishments in the
West End Neighborhood. Time wont permit me to name them all, but I will name a few:
the beautiful gazebo and fountains in Grace Court, National Historic Register status,
local Historic Overlay District status for the Neighborhood, the biennial Holiday House
Tour and the commissioning of the beautiful sculpture created by Earline Heath King in
honor of Barbara Smitherman and others and now located in Grace Court are but a few of the
more obvious examples. There are many other, less obvious, but no less noteworthy
accomplishments, too numerous to mention. However, it is safe to say that the West End
Association has made a positive contribution not only to the West End Neighborhood, but to
the City of Winston-Salem at large. Our current long-range plan, which we are in the
process of implementing, includes the addition of appropriate signage throughout the
Neighborhood advising people that they are in the West End Historic District, the addition
of a period clock in Grace Court and possibly a time capsule to be dedicated as we enter
the new millennium. It is important to note that almost all of these improvements will be
paid for not with tax money, but from funds raised primarily by the West End Association.
The West End Association has been in existence for over thirty years. Based on our active
Association, the projects our long-range plan envisions and the efforts this Board and
others are making to improve Winston-Salems Downtown and surrounding areas, we
believe that the West End Association will still be making a positive impact on
Winston-Salem thirty years from now. We certainly hope that is the case.
At this time, I would like to recognize some of the past-presidents of the West End
Association during its thirty-year existence. Some of them are here this evening and this
Board should recognize a name or two. Tom Ross, Ellen Yarborough, Chris Chapman, Thorns
Craven, Ben Wilson, Glen Gravely, Rence Callahan, Paul Shepard, Bill Wise, Bill Sugg,
Wanda Merschel. In addition, I would like to recognize two past-presidents who,
unfortunately are no longer with us in body, although their spirits remain as a guiding
force: Martin Sokolof and Bill Harper. There are also several current board members,
officers and Association members here and I would like all of them to stand up and be
We again thank you for this honor and for the privilege of being permitted to continue our
efforts to make Winston-Salem the great place that it is to live, work and raise a family.