November 1999
About twenty persons attended the October meeting of the West End Association, where the
first item of business was an update on the Community Fund. At the end of September the
Fund received two substantial donations. The first was for $5000 courtesy of Mayor Jack P.
Cavenagh, through his discretionary use of the Mayor's Uptown Development Fund of the
Downtown Development Corporation Foundation. Mayor Cavenagh has been a staunch advocate
for downtown development, and was instrumental in the success of our May 12 kick-off for
the Fund. The other anchor gift was for $3000 from Kilpatrick Stockton LLP, whose legal
campus encircles Grace Court on the West and South. Kilpatrick Stockton has a long history
of supporting West End developments, and the renovation of Grace Court in particular. For
these and the other gifts added this month to the Fund, the neighborhood is deeply
grateful. With the gifts reported as of October 5 (approximately $29,000) in excess of the
minimum needed to fund the purchase of the clock and signage, a motion was made and passed
to purchase the clock. The motion passed unanimously. The clock will take some six months
to arrive from date of order, and it will be sometime next summer before all the
improvements to Grace Court will be finished.
Other old business included a discussion of neighborhood parties held for West End North
and West End Central (South). A lack of volunteers and time was sited for the delay, but
neighbors were looking to have a West End North get-together in early November. It is
hoped this good idea will find a home yet in these areas, and will be part of the regular
West End social scene.
Officer Bryant, from the Winston-Salem Police Department, reported on the efforts the
police are making with Burke Street merchants following concerns over the future of Burke
Street street festivals. The September "Burke Street Bash" was canceled by a
hasty call by alcohol enforcement officials. A good dialogue has begun in this process
between residents and Burke Street merchants, particularly Mike Prince of Burke Street
Pub, and it's hoped dialogue will continue.
The next West End Association meeting will be Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at Brunson
Elementary School cafeteria from 7:00 to 8:45 PM.
Billye Keith Jones reported on negotiations that are continuing with the YMCA on the fate
of at least one of the homes they propose demolishing. Things are still in the pipeline.
In new business, Reynolds Lassiter of Baldwin Property Management presented their revised plans to place signs on seven properties they manage in the West End. The signs had been revised at the request of the Historic District Commission (HDC) and in response to concerns West Enders had about the signs. The feeling was that any permanent sign was more like an advertising sign than a real estate sign, and would set a bad precedent for a neighborhood that has worked hard to encourage home ownership and investment. The Association voted to oppose the installation of any permanent signage. (NOTE: The governing Historic District and UDO Codes are confusing in this area. At the scheduled meeting of the HDC the day after the West End met, HDC instructed Mr. Lassiter and West End to continue to work together to find a resolution of this issue. We appreciate Baldwin Property Management's willingness to listen to our concerns.)
Finally, it was announced that the West End Association will hold its last neighborhood Christmas party of the Millennium at the Woman's Club on Saturday, Dec. 4th from 7:00-?pm at the Woman's Club, 952 W. 4th St. Music will be by the infamous Behind the Times Band. This party is for all West End residents. This will be a great time and an opportunity for new West End residents to meet West Enders from all over the neighborhood. Please bring your favorite appetizer or munchie. Beverages will be provided by the West End Association. Donations for the Woman's Club for their plans for repairs of the Tise House will be accepted. If you want to help with the party, contact Lisa Elam at 724-5282. Thanks to Eric Elliot for compiling these minutes from the October meeting
West End Community Fund Donors Our thanks goes to the following people for their
generous contributions to the Fund this month. Because of donations like theirs, dreams of
signage and clock are about to become a reality for us all. Current total monies in the
Fund exceeds $31,000.
Benefactor (over $1000) Mayor's Uptown Development Fund Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
Patron ($500-999) Brenda B. Penney The Sugg/Wells Family
Sponsor ($250-499) John and Wanda Merschel (amended) Wachovia Bank, NA West End Cafe
Partner ($100-$249) Dan Falken W. T. Pittman
Scharme Shown in memory of Steven Shown Bill and Dottie Wise in memory of Chris Yarborough
Friend (up to $100) Anonymous George Bryan and Ann Doherty Billye K. Jones, Realtor JoAnn
and David Mount Tom and Marianne Mylet Fred Pettyjohn Bill and Robin Voiers in memory of
Clementine West End Video
The new web address for this newsletter is
Certificate of Appropriateness applications for West End reviewed by the Winston-Salem Historic Commission last month October 1999. The Commission's vote is shown in italics.
Joseph J. Sauser and Nancy E. Dawson-Sauser, Applicants Dr. Robert H. Jones House - 643 North Spring Street Removal of White Oak Tree - Commission voted to Approve as Submitted
Timothy Wade Adams, Applicant Apartment Building - 870 West Fourth Street Installation of Bracketed Sign on Front Elevation -Commission voted to Approve with Conditions
Vicar's Edge Homeowners Association, Applicant Vicar's Edge Condominiums - 855 West Sixth Street Replacement of Existing Siding & Trim with New Vinyl Sheathing; Flashing of Chimneys; and, Replacement of Two Porch Posts - Commission voted to Approve with Limitations and Conditions
Baldwin Property Management, Applicant Shepherd-Freeman Duplex at 735-737 West End Boulevard; Veach-Glenn House at 1401 Brookstown Avenue; House at 511 Jersey Avenue; Crestland Apartments at 1206 West Fourth Street; and apartment buildings at 624 West End Boulevard, 1120 West End Boulevard, and 1415 Clover Street Installation of Signs - Continued until November 06, 1999 meeting
David L. Shipley, Applicant Long-Harris House - 622 Jersey Avenue Removal and Replacement of One Maple and One Pear Tree
Dr. Deborah M. Osman, Applicant Boyles-Daye House - 1264 West Fourth Street Relocation of Rear Door and Installation of Rear Window
West End Historic Overlay District
Pranab Das and Katherine Fowkes, Applicants Walker-Hopkins House - 1159 West End Boulevard Replacement of Two Existing Rear Windows with New Windows and Addition of Solarium Enclosure on Rear of House
Kerry and Anne S. Macleod, Applicants Charles P. Johnston House 1404 Clover Street Screened Enclosure of Existing Lower Level Rear Deck and Construction of New Upper Level Covered Deck on Rear of House
Baldwin Property Management, Applicant Shepherd-Freeman Duplex at 735-737 West End Boulevard; Veach-Glenn House at 1401 Brookstown Avenue; House at 511 Jersey Avenue; Crestland Apartments at 1206 West Fourth Street; and apartment buildings at 624 West End Boulevard, 1120 West End Boulevard, and 1415 Clover Street Installation of Signs
CLASSIFIED AD(s) - Property For Sale Moving to Mexico so Our Place is For Sale (1135 -
1145 - 1147 West Fourth Street)
Well-built by contractor Frank L. Blum for his daughters in 1920, we (Carey and Tony
Sutton) purchased this 2 story duplex from Ethel Blum in 1978. It also came with a brick,
carriage house apt. over a 6 car garage. When we bought the place in 1978 the ratio of
purchase price to rents was about the same as today. While we were living in one duplex
and renting the other 2/3, the rents effectively paid the mortgage including taxes and
insurance. In effect, the house paid for itself. It would be the same good deal for
someone in the same situation we were in 25 years ago-better actually because of the
whopping new tax credits for rental property in the West End-20% federal (!) and 20%
Since the place was originally built as a duplex and never converted from a single-family dwelling, it makes for especially spacious and attractive units that have always been easy to rent at premium prices and to a succession of very nice folks. Duplexes 1500 sq. ft. each +full basements. Central AC, 9 ceilings, hdwd flrs, fps, DW. Apt 1025 sq. ft. over a 6-car garage. All exterior woodwork needs good scrape and paint job. Interiors in excellent shape. Could be rented tomorrow! Priced to Move at: $225,000. For more info, give us a call at 723-2308.
Entrepreneur Greg Carlyle has lived / worked in the West End since 1979. He purchased his
first West End property in 1979 at 407 Summit, moved in and opened up shop as hair stylist
with one chair. Between appointments, you could find him sanding, painting and doing other
renovation projects to his home. Within 2 years he had 8 employees and needed more parking
for his clients. Greg fell in love with the Rosenbacher house - 848 W. 5th Street. He
bought it in 1981 and leased his previous home to the Rainbow News. Once again, renovation
consumed his spare time and his hair business expanded to 25 employees. In 1983 he got the
old kitchen licensed as a restaurant - the 4 « Street Deli, which also had live jazz on
Friday and Saturday nights. The deli started catering and flourished. However, by 1985,
70% of his employees had moved on to start their own hair salons or pursue other
interests. Greg turned the deli into what is now known as Michael's. He continued to
operate the salon on the 2nd floor. Eventually he decided to move and Michael's