August 1999
The July meeting took place under a large tree in Grace Court - the only place that sheltered us from the rain. Even with the poor weather, we had around 18 people attend.
Treasurer Dan Falken reported on the state of our Community Fund Campaign.
Eric Elliott presented a "West End Schedule" of activities through the end of this year.
Officer Bryant gave the police report for the Downtown area. There were some car break-ins in the West End area - be wary.
The Board Members authorized the purchase of 24 Historic Markers for the neighborhood. See the map on page 3 for locations of the markers.
On Saturday, July 16, there was a block party on Piedmont Ave. - between First St. and Jarvis. The weather cooperated for a truly outstanding afternoon of fun. Over 60 people and 10 dogs attended, many brought their own culinary creations. This party was sponsored by the West End Association and hosted by Nick Kefal & Mary Ann Sevick, David & Lisa Elam and Helene & Mike Tyson. The Association provided burgers, hot dogs, refreshments and all the condiments. This may become an annual event!
The next meeting, will be Tuesday, August 3rd 1999 at Grace Court from 7:00 to 8:45 Everyone is invited
CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260
Lots of great things are going on in the West End these days, and much of the excitement goes back to our West End Community Fund Campaign. This fund-raising campaign, to purchase historic district signage throughout the neighborhood and to place a Millennium clock" in Grace Court, has been met with universal enthusiasm - everyone loves the designs - and now good financial response from friends and neighbors in the West End and beyond. Thanks to the many of you who have given, and given generously.
We still need some $5000 to accomplish our goals, depending on our final installation costs. But we are closing the neighborhood campaign this Labor Day, September 6, with an announcement and party at Grace Court from 5:00-6:30 pm. Please get your contribution in now. A final list of contributors will appear in the October newsletter.
West Enders don't have to wait until Labor Day to celebrate. Neighbors in West End South (south of First Street) have already thrown a block party celebrate the summer and to share news of the clock and signs. Two more parties are planned in August for West End Central and West End North - look for flyers on your doorstep soon or call me, Eric Elliott, at 727-9857, for more info. And, of course, it's hard to beat that great feeling at making a donation anytime - help make thirty years of Association work a reality - let the community know we're special with our signs and clock - and worth keeping so. We'll see you around the block this August - I'll be the guy handing out "Celebrate West End" stickers! - J. Eric Elliott
This is an artist's rendering of the proposed Millennium clock to be installed at the southwest corner of Grace Court (corner of Fourth and Glade).
The clock will be mounted on a brick and concrete base. There may be a plaque at the base noting the contributors.
This is a map of the entire West End Historic District with locations of the Historic Signs noted as check marks. Business 40 is the wide curving road near the bottom.
The following application for the West End Historic Overlay District will be reviewed by the HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION at 5:30 PM, August 04, 1999 in the BOARD OF ALDERMEN CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR - CITY HALL
Amanda and David Zimmerman, applicants House 1406 Jarvis Street Alterations/Repairs to Rear Sun Porch and Extension of Rear Deck
The following is a list of the Certificate of Appropriateness applications for West End reviewed by the Winston-Salem Historic Commission last month (July 07, 1999). The Commission's vote on each application is shown in italics.
William and Anne Nelson, applicants Martin-Cohen House 1146 West End Boulevard Enclosure of Side Porch Commission voted to Approve with Conditions
Baldwin Property Management, applicant Veach-Glenn House 1401 Brookstown Avenue Limited Installation of Vinyl Siding over Existing Wood Trim Commission voted to Approve with Limitations and Conditions
Remember, you must submit a Certificate of Appropriateness Application to the Historic District Commission if you do any exterior alterations or repair on either the house or landscape.