July 1999
The June meeting was held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Summit Street. They presented n their plans for enlarging the existing structure and modifying the size of the adjoining parking lot. (They plan to add greenspace to the lot and redo the lines to add more parking spaces. Take note YMCA!) The proposed additions will have some similarities to the old and will be a real benefit to the community. For more information, contact the church at 723-4391
The Fourth Street ???? aka Shobers, will be open in a few weeks. Also, the old West End Cafe is undergoing major renovations - rumor is it will be a "diner" style restaurant with pizza by the slice and other tasty treats! More later.
The next meeting of the West End Association will be Tuesday, July 13th 1999 at Grace
from 7:00 to 8:45. Everyone is invited. A West End thank you to Kay Morgan and Brunson
Elementary School for letting us use their facility. We will meet there again in the fall.
CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260
The following two (2) applications for the West End Historic Overlay District will be reviewed by the Historic District Commission Meeting at 5:30 PM on July 7.
William and Anne Nelson, applicants
Martin-Cohen House
1146 West End Boulevard
Enclosure of Side Porch
Baldwin Property Management, applicant
Veach-Glenn House
1401 Brookstown Avenue
Limited Installation of Vinyl Siding over Existing Wood Trim
The following is a list of the Certificate of Appropriateness applications for West End reviewed by the Winston-Salem Historic Commission last month (June 02, 1999). The Commission's vote on each application is shown in italics.
Zevely House Restaurant LLC, Applicant
Van Nemen Zevely House
901 West Fourth Street
Installation of a trash/dumpster area surrounded by a 4'-0" wood picket fence in the
rear, northeast corner of the lot
Commission voted to Approve with Condition
JoAnn Mount, Applicant
William H. Holcomb House
1238 West Fourth Street
Replacement and expansion of existing wood deck with new deck to the rear of the structure
Commission voted to Approve as Submitted
Robert W. Ulery, Jr., Applicant
Owens-Nissen House
929 West Fifth Street
Installation of 4'-0" high wood picket fence along the existing stone retaining wall
to the rear of the structure
Commission voted to Approve with Condition
West End Association Community Fund Campaign
The West End Association board of directors has authorized a $28,000 capital campaign
for the signage and the town clock. $15,000 from previous fund raising efforts has been
committed to this project, and a fund raising campaign is being launched to raise the
remaining $13,000. Neighborhood residents, friends of the Association, companies, and
foundations will be asked to participate in this effort to build a broad base of support
and to involve as many citizens as possible. All donors will be recorded within the time
The West End is more than a historic district for the city of Winston-Salem. The neighborhood is one of the last remaining strongholds of residential living in a downtown that is struggling to define itself. Through its extended efforts such as the recent Burke Street beautification project or its investment in other downtown allies, such as a recent gift to the YWCA, the West End is positioned to continue to advance the cause of downtown economic and cultural development.
The Community Campaign is a critical step in the next phase of the life of West End and of the greater community. The historic signage and vintage town clock will add greatly to the efforts to enhance the downtown. They will offer tourists a clearly marked scenic, picturesque, glimpse of life during the early 20th century in a town that was booming into what was for a period the state's largest community. The campaign offers downtown planners something to build upon as they develop an identity for Winston-Salem. Most importantly, it offers residents another sign of the comfortable, affordable quality of life in the West End, unparalleled in Winston-Salem and neighboring cities.
Yes! I/we want to be a part of Winston-Salem's history by supporting:
The Millennium Town Clock at Grace Court
Permanent signage marking the West End Neighborhood Historic District
Enclosed is my/our gift in the amount of $ ___________ .
I / we pledge to contribute a total of $_______.
Name _________________________________________ Phone_________________________
City________________________________ State _____________________ ZIP___________
___ I / we wish to be listed as follows: ______________________________________________
___ I / we wish to make this gift in honor/memory of: ___________________________________
____ I / we wish the gift to remain anonymous
____ Attached is my corporate matching gift form.
Signature __________________________________________
Benefactor $1000 and above Please make checks payable to:
Patron $500 - $999 West End Association
Sponsor $250 - $499 P.O. Box 10055 Salem Station
Partner $100 - $249 Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Friend $25-$99
Your gift is tax deductible, as permitted by law.