February 1999
26 people, including 2 Winston-Salem police officers, attended the January meeting. The
police officer (s) give a report at each meeting of crimes that occurred in the downtown
area. If you would like to find out more, come to the West End Association meetings or
call the CrimeTIP Information Line at 607-7260.
Helene Tyson presented her report on the 1998 West End Holiday Home Tour. Once again,
thanks to everyone who helped and all who attended for making the 1998 Tour a success.
The Signage Committee reported that the West End Sign Project is moving forward. One
interesting development - the City is no longer requiring the signposts to be breakaway.
This should reduce the total cost of the project.
The meeting time for the Nominating Committee for election of Association Officers and
Board members was set.
Brian Cormier, the chief executive of the Winston-Salem YMCA, will make a presentation at
the March meeting concerning the proposed Aquatic Center. Hopefully, he will address
questions covered in the letter Jim Vaughan sent last October. This presentation should be
very informative and is another reason why you should get involved with the Association.
The next meeting, which is our annual meeting will be Tuesday, Febuary 2nd 1998 at Brunson
Elementary School cafeteria from 7:00 to 8:45. Everyone is invited.
This year looks to be an eventful one for the West End and we need your help to make it
happen. The various projects being planned and those underway will benefit our
neighborhood and Winston-Salem for many years to come. These ideas come from people like
yourselves, who are taking an active role in helping make the West End a great place to
live and raise a family. Join the West End Association - the dues are only $15.00 and not
only help funds our ideas, but pays for the printing of this newsletter.
COMMUNITY ROOTS DAY 1999 will take place on Saturday, March 27 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Join the other adults and kids in planning over 200 trees along the major streets of West
Salem neighborhood on the morning of March 27th. Call Nancy Day at 727-2087 for more
information and to sign up yourself or your group. This event is sponsored by the
Community Appearance Commission and City Roadway Appearance Division.
The City will begin emptying the green yard waste containers on February 1st. Time to get
out in this spring-like weather and start cleaning up the yard, gutters and other areas
around the house. (Doubtful this weather lasts until the "real" spring!)
Each spring and fall Scharme Shawn turns her home into a boutique. As a wardrobe
consultant for D. Terrell Ltd., Scarme offers women an attractive alternative for their
shopping needs. In less than an hour, a customer can select a full season's wardrobe -
while bypassing the traffic jams, crowds and overwhelming inventory. Instead, she will
enjoy personal service without pressure while selecting from a collection of contemporary
and classic clothing and accessories. If you are interested in "one-stop"
shopping and personal service in pleasant surroundings, call Scharme for an appointment to
see her
spring collection. The trunk showing will be February 20th - 28th from 9 AM to 8 PM.
There will be an open house on Sunday, February 21 from 1 - 5 PM - - no appointment
necessary. Call 722-4592 for more info.
The following four (4) applications for West End will be reviewed by the Historic
Commission at the February 3, 1999 meeting:
Suzanne Hummer, Applicant
167 West End Boulevard
Removal of Black Cherry Tree from East, Side Yard
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
Pete and Elizabeth Jones, Applicants
512 Jersey Avenue
Removal and Rebuilding of Portions of Stone Retaining Wall
After the Fact
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
Gwen A. Pardue, Applicant
Commercial-Apartment Building
860-862 West Fourth Street
Vinyl Replacement Windows
Staff Recommendation: Denial
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Applicant
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
520 Summit Street
Installation of exterior spotlight for illumination of rear, west stained glass window
Continuance from January 6, 1999 meeting
Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions
The Historic District Commission meets every month at 5:00 PM in the Board of Aldermen
Chamber, 2nd Floor of City Hall. These meetings are open to the public.
CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260
Elections for Officers and Board members of the West End Association will take
place at our meeting on Tuesday, February 2. The nominations for the upcoming
elections of officers and board members:
President: Eric Elliot 1219 Forsyth St 724-4913
Second Vice President: Jim Vaughan 814 West End Blvd 724-4579
Vice President: David & Lisa Elam 114 Piedmont Ave 724-5282
Board of Directors:
1 year term
John Hauser 1008 West End Blvd 761-8760
2 year term
Alice Bullock & Jay Foster 633 N Spring St 722-8151
Bud & Barbara Goldsmith 1000 West End Blvd 766-7283
Billye Keith Jones 614 West End Blvd 723-1771
David Poythress 922 West End Blvd 724-0922
Kathleen Ramich 1318 Glade St 723-9207
Warren & Becky Sparrow 1117 W Fourth St 725-8953
Kathy Otterbourg 1201 Clover St 724-7004
Published by the West End Association
P.O. Box 10055 Salem Station
Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Editors: Mike & Helene Tyson 722-9804
powermt@lycosmail.com / hcannon@ibm.net
Business Mgr.: Nick Kefal 725-9209
Circulation: David Elam 724-5282
Gregg House
Archive of Structures of the Month
909 West End Blvd.
The Gregg House is a example of one of the most typical variations of the Colonial Revival
style built in the West End and elsewhere between ca.
1905 and ca.1920. It is a two-story frame house, nearly square in configuration, with a
hip roof, hipped dormers, a three-bay faade, a double-leaf
front entrance with leaded and beveled glass sidelights and transom, and a wrap-around
porch with Tuscan columns and a slightly projecting
pedimented entrance bay. In recent years the house has been aluminum-sided and a one-story
addition has been built to the rear, but these
alterations are unobtrusive and do little to diminish the architectural integrity of the
house. Ellen S. Gregg purchased the property in 91 and the
Sanborn Map of the following year was labeled "excavation" at this site. By 1913
Johnathon O. and Ellen Gregg were listed at 709 Blvd. (the original
address) in the city directory. He was a traveling salesman. The house was later used as
rental property, but it remained in Gregg family ownership
until 1955.
Published by the West End Association
P.O. Box 10055 Salem Station
Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Editors: Mike & Helene Tyson 722-9804
powermt@lycosmail.com / hcannon@ibm.net
Business Mgr.: Nick Kefal 725-9209
Circulation: David Elam 724-5282