January 1998
Twenty-two people attended the December meeting. Officer Horace Bryant from the W-S Police Department also attended. The next West End Association meeting will be Tuesday, January 5 at Brunson Elementary School from 7:00 to 8:45 pm. All West End residents are invited to attend. Fred Vlasis, owner of Corbins Bar & Grill has purchased the old Shober's Restaurant on 4th St. and will make some renovations to the property before the opening in late spring of this year. Some of the changes include increased interior seating and dining space. The ticket average for lunch should be around $6.95 and $14.95 for dinner. Shober's has been vacant too long - let's really support this West End gem when it opens. More info later. The Signage Committee reported that the Department of Transportation wants the proposed West End signs to have breakaway posts for safety reasons. Jim Vaughan received a reply from YMCA President Brian Cormier. Mr. Cormier appreciated our input and will get back to us. The agreement between the W-S School Board and the Parks Department regarding Reynolds School use of Hanes Park is still pending. Certain individuals at Reynolds and on the Board feel that the school can make major decisions on what is constructed in the park. The deed from P.H. Hanes states that the park is for public use, schools, etc. No one entity has priority on what happens in the park. More on this situation in the next issue.
1998 was a great year for our neighborhood. Our first full year with the newsletter has been rewarding, though getting it out on time can be worse than last-minute Christmas shopping at Hanes Mall! West Ender Wanda Merschel had her first full year as Alderman and is doing a great job - both for the city and the West End. The Burke Street Business District now has over 51 trees and shrubs on each side of the street. Also, the corner of 1st and 4th Streets will have a landscaped area in front of that ugly brick wall. Some new and old faces were elected to the the West End Association Board. A variety of new business opened in and around the West End. A revised Long Range Plan was developed for the neighborhood. The state government increased the tax credit for Historic Districts in North Carolina. The Summit Street parking problem was addressed and is finally nearing a solution. Several homes in the West End are undergoing substantial exterior and interior renovation. The Holiday Home Tour showcased the neighborhood during the holiday season. 1999 promises to be eventful year as well. Gateway signs and markers will be placed throughout the West End. This will greatly enhance recognition of our neighborhood as an historic district. An old-style clock will be placed in Grace Court. There are plans for a time capsule in the clock base. These projects as well as others are funded by events sponsored by the West End Association, membership dues, and business contributions. Our neighborhood is an asset to the downtown area and one of the few Historic Districts in the Triad. Let's get involved in the neighborhood this last year of the 20th century!
Fred and Janine Vlasis, Applicants - Johanna Shober's Restaurant 871 West Fourth Street - Miscellaneous Exterior Alterations Staff Recommendation: Approval as Submitted St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Applicant - St. Paul's Episcopal Church 520 Summit Street - Installation of exterior spotlight for illumination of rear, west stained glass window Continuance from December 02, 1998 Meeting Staffing Recommendation: Continuance The next meeting of the Winston-Salem Historic District Commission will be held on Wednesday, January 6, 1999 at 5:00 pm in the Board of Alderman chambers, second floor of City Hall, 101 N. Main St. For additional information contact L. Robbie King or LeAnn Pegram at the City-County Planning Board, 727-2087.
Membership is $15.00 and only $5.00 for senior citizens. The dues help fund the printing of this newsletter and other West End events through the year. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated!
A few months ago, the West End newsletter published a story about a local artist who does house and pet-sitting. The phone number we listed was incorrect. The correct number is: Jeanette Fouche - 723-2591. Recently, Jeanette took care of our pets over the holidays. All five (4 cats and 1 dog) were not stressed and gave us the "oh, you're back, big deal" look. I highly recommend her services. The West End Holiday Home Tour of 1998 was a smashing success! Beautifully decorated homes combined with hard work and unbelievable weather made this year's tour one to remember. Thanks to all the volunteers, tour committee members, corporate and individual sponsors. A very special thanks to the Triad Chapter of the Interior Design Society for their incredible decorating skills in at the Lott-Woodall House, aka. the Butterfly House. Also, thanks to Hanes Dye and Finishing for their generous donation of $2,500.00. And finally, thanks to M Creative for their innovative poster and brochure design. It is election time! The Nominating Committee will meet prior to the February meeting. The positions up for election are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and half of the Board positions. Call any of the Officers or Board members if you are interested in serving as a vital part of neighborhood.
Jim Vaughan President 724-4579 Lisa and David Elam Vice-President 724-5282 Mike & Helene Tyson Secretary 722-9804 Dan Falken Treasurer 722-5522
Bert Benton and Gordon Sparber 770-0117 Allen and Laura Burrrows 727-0698 Nancy Dawson - Sauser & Joe Sauser 725-4426 Chris & John Griffith 748-9640 Laura and Eric Elliott 724-4913 John Hauser 631-8760 Nick Kefal and Mary Ann Sevick 725-9209 Bill and Sara Legard 722-5173 Tabatha Creagan & Bobby Renegar 773-1613 Kathy Otterbourg 724-7004 Meg Zulick and Andrew Leslie 725-2377 (alternate) (alternate) CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260 THE WEST ENDER Published by the West End Association P.O. Box 10055 Salem Station Winston-Salem, NC 27108 http://www.slkp.com/westend/ Editors: Mike & Helene Tyson 722-9804 powermt@lycosmail.com / hcannon@ibm.net Business Mgr.: Nick Kefal 725-9209 Circulation: David Elam 724-5282