August 1998
Some mornings I just need that jolt of java to start the day. Usually I'm too lazy to brew my own, so I look for a coffee house within a 1 minute drive. Usually this means the Morning Dew. In case you haven't been in the "Dew" lately, there have been some changes. No, I don't mean unusual coffee selections like "Sumatra Sumo Mountain Blend" or the many of 1998 Golden Fork Award plaques hanging in the front window, I mean some of the clientele has changed.
Owner Steve Hunneke has been in business for 3 years. He wants the Morning Dew to attract anyone who wants the best coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. This was the case until a few kids under the age of 18 started causing problems and showing disrespect for customers and workers. As a result, Steve had to start the following policy: No one under the age of 18 allowed in after 8:00 PM. Also, he has to enforce the new smoking laws for minors. In the last 3 months Steve hired off-duty police officers to enforce these policies.
Burke Street is a real attraction for the under-18 (Gen-Next) crowd with a skateboard store and smoothie shop at one end and the Morning Dew at the other. Add the wide sidewalk and you have a great place to hang out. Some of the other businesses on Burke St. had problems with some of the kids kicked out of the Morning Dew congregating in front of their storefronts. They in turn blamed this problem on the Morning Dew.
The July meeting had 29 people braving the heat. This is a pretty good turnout for a typically busy summer month. Free Mayberry ice cream left over from the West End 4th of July celebration was served before and after the meeting! A familiar face in the crowd was Ellen Yarborough one of the founding members of the West End Association. She currently is the minister at the Green Stree United Methodist Church.
Laura Weigand, Head of the Children's Dept. at the Downtown Public Library presented a program that West Enders should support - the Friends of the Children's Room. As most of you know, downtown lacks a strong community identity. This program would help raise the visibility of the library in the community, and help the future of Winston-Salem, our children. The Friends Groups would help develop and execute library fund raisers and special projects. The funds would be used to buy books, compensate special guests such as authors and performers. A Board of Directors will be formed to serve as an advocacy group for the library and will have also organize membership campaigns and fund raisers.
Contact Laura at 727-2214 for more information or to volunteer.
Winston-Salem Police Officers J.W. Roberts and C. Reavis talked about their efforts to curb any problems with vagrants in the area. Officer Tim Hicks, a West End resident, will be attending most of the Association meetings.
In reference to last month's newsletter, Lee Ann Pegram & Robbie King from the Historic District Commission (HDC) each clarified the guidelines that West End residents must follow prior to any work on a structure. They will be sending a letter to every property owner in the district and revising the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to be more "user friendly." Also, an effort will be made to raise the awareness of property owners, Realtors and contractors on the Commission guidelines. Remember, a COA must be submitted before any renovations can start on a West End home or business.
Lisa Elam has been appointed to the Downtown Development Corporation Board. This is the group responsible for the Downtown Plan. Lisa will add a little diversity to the group. Congratulations!
Preparations for The West End Holiday Home Tour, scheduled for Sunday December 6, are gearing up. We have started getting commitments on houses, but still need a few more. Volunteers are needed for publicity, fundraising, house decorations and house captains. Please contact Helene Tyson at 722-9804.
The problems with Wachovia employees taking up all the parking in the Summit Street area is being addressed. A petition is being circulated for permit parking for residents on the following streets: 800 block of 6th St., 600 block of Summit St. and the 5th St. curve. If successful, other areas of the West End with similar parking problems could also petition for permits. More later.
CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260 Certificate of Appropriateness ApplicationsThe Maude D. Miller House
554 Buxton Street
WORK: Installation of a metal storm/security door over the paired front entrance doors
The James M. Lentz House
668 North Spring Street
WORK: After the Fact installation of vinyl replacement windows ˙on all elevations of the first floor˙. Proposed installation of vinyl replacement windows on all elevations of the second floor.
The Gifted Hand is a unique gallery in the West End exhibiting the work of more then one hundred craft artists from across the country. All craft media are represented with focus on pottery, glass and jewelry. Located within the gallery is the studio of ceramic artist Kerry Gonzalez. Kerry's copper raku vessels are exhibited nationally at fairs and galleries. There is always a good selection of raku and Kerry's studio is open to the public. The Gifted Hand is located at 418 West End Blvd. and is open Monday - Saturday, 11:00 to 5:30 PM
Jerry and Wanda Grindstaff entered into the Oriental furniture business in 1988 strictly by accident. Three years ago when Jerry was downsized from his corporate job, they decided to expand the small-scale home business into a retail location, thus, the Corner of the Orient. Today, Corner of the Orient is one of the leading Oriental stores on the entire East Coast with specialty in custom design. Customers may choose from any number of designs, colors, styles and types of wood. They may also choose the optionh of designing a piece of furniture themselves and Corner of the Orient will create it to the customers specifications. This is what sets "The Corner" apart from many other stores of its kind along with the tremendous mail order, catalog and internet business they do. The corner servide clientele from around the country with many actually traveling to Winston-Salem just to see the products. Business has recently expanded to Europe and Canada. IF you do not have time to visit the Corner of the orient, check them out on the web at
The series on Miss Jacqueline Dorminy will continue next month
Published by the West End Association
P.O. Box 10055 Salem Station
Winston-Salem, NC 27108