January 1998
West End Happenings
Association Meeting
In lieu of the December West End Association meeting, Jim & Missy Vaughn hosted the annual West End Christmas party. A wide variety of food and drink were consumed and lots of fun was the agenda for this gathering. A hearty thanks to the Vaughns for hosting this event.
The next meeting of the West End Association is at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, January 7th at Brunson Elementary School cafeteria. The school principal, Ms. Kay Morgan has reserved the cafeteria for our meetings for the remainder of the school year. All she asks in return is that we clean up after our meeting. Thanks to Ms. Morgan for donating the meeting space.
The Downtown Development Committee will present their response to the new downtown plan.
The hard work of committee members Nancy Dawson-Sauser, Helene Cannon, Jack Campbell and Andrew Leslie is greatly appreciated.
Editor Notes
Some of you probably had problems with trash pickup that occurred during the recent snowstorm. I spoke to the City Sanitation Department and they said if there is a major snow or ice storm around pickup dates, the crews will pick up from curbside only. This prevents the crews from getting injured on snow or ice-covered driveways or walks. Also, Christmas tree pickup will be from January 5 - 16. Trees may be placed curbside, but separate from other trash. If you have any questions, call Sanitation at 727-2638.
It really is amazing the things that the downtown offers that I was unaware of until recently. An example being the Art District near Sixth and Trade Streets. Nancy Dawson-Sauser sent us an e-mail about the annual Gallery Hop in the Art District. I drive by the area frequently, and usually am either preoccupied or to busy to look at the various shops and galleries in the area. Helene and I made a point to attend and we were amazed at the variety of arts and crafts available. Our original plan for the evening was to go to the Hop for an hour and then attend a rather uplifting cultural event: Alien - The Resurrection. After walking through several galleries, I found myself wishing we had arrived at the very start. I don't know the number of people that were there, but the excitement level was reminiscent of the Tour Dupont (R.I.P.) Plenty of West Enders were
there to support the artists. The Gallery Hop is a great event that will hopefully garner more support from the City and will spotlight something positive that already exists in the downtown area.
Association Membership
A good resolution for 1998 is joining the West End Association and attending the Board meetings.
Support is needed from all West End residents and you'll meet some fun people at the meetings. Dues help pay for publishing this newsletter and some of the events the Association sponsors during the year. Contact any of the Board members for more information.
West End Association Officers
Jim Vaughn, President 724-4579
Lisa and David Elam, Vice Presidents 724-5282
Terry Mandel, Secretary 724-9046
Mike Hill, Treasurer 725-7849
Board Members
Bert Benton and Gordon Sparber 770-0117
Allen and Laura Burrows 727-0698
Nancy Dawson-Sauser and Joe Sauser 725-4426
Craig and Kim Dishner 761-0746
Laura and Eric Elliott 724-4913
John Hauser 631-8760
Nick Kefal and Mary Ann Sevick 725-9235
Bill and Sara Legard 722-5173
Carolyn Moore and Adam Whitehead 748-8112
Kathy Otterbourg 724-5416
Diane Winebrenner 722-4654
Meg Zulick and Andrew Leslie 725-2377
You are probably noticing the change in the sponsor format from the last printed newsletter. This is primarily due to the work of Nick Kefal, the Association Business Manager. Please patronize these businesses and mention you saw their ad in the West Ender - you might be surprised with their response!
Thanks to Sara Lee for hosting our site and to David Elam, webmaster extrordinaire.
P.O. BOX 10055, Salem Station, Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Editors: Mike Tyson / Helene Cannon 722-9804
powermt@gte.net / hcannon@ibm.net
Business: Nick Kefal 725-9209 Circulation: David Elam 724-5282