December 1997
- Our big & beautiful Oak trees are having the last laugh
of Fall and making us pay for the shade they provided all summer. Walking through the West
End, one is bound to notice how different personalities take on the challenge of Leaf
Removal and Eradication. We have identified three distinct types: minimalists, naturalists
and techies. Yard work minimalists just wait until all the leaves drop before doing any
leaf removal. Naturalists generally live on high ground use gravity to their advantage.
Then there are the techies, who take on a personal battle for control over the endless
stream of leaves with two-in-one blower-mulchers and ergonomic rakes (this, not
surprisingly, would be your editor). Whatever happened to raking the leaves into a big
pile and jumping in?
- A West End thank you goes out to Craig and Kim Dishner
for hosting November meeting at their lovely home. The turnout was very good by West End
standards. Jack Steelman with the Winston-Salem Downtown Development Corp. spoke
about the future of downtown. The information he presented was very informative and
sometimes inflammatory - the idea of a Motor Sports Hall of Fame elicited a negative
response from most attending. Mr. Steelman said their group wants to revitalize downtown
by bringing more restaurant and entertainment business to the downtown. Examples are:
PHASE 1 (1-3 years)
Create a new town square at the site of the
old County Courthouse
Create an entertainment triad, anchors being
the Stevens Center, the Millennium Center
and a new Urban Entertainment Center
adjacent to the proposed new Town Square
Inclusion of a Motor Sports Hall of Fame
(yiikes!) as a possible anchor to the new Urban Center
Provide more events / festivals
Renovate / enlarge the Convention Center
Develop a YMCA aquatic center
Create restaurant row along 4th
These are some excerpts from the "NEW
DOWNTOWN PLAN". For those interested, more detail is available on our web site http://slkp.com/westend or from the editor. A Downtown
Development Committee has been formed to draft a response to the new downtown plan.
Committee members Helene Cannon, Nancy Dawson-Sauser, Jack Campbell and Andrew Leslie
will have an update for the December meeting.
An idea for a "Crime Tip Line" was brought up.
Basically, you call a number and a recording lists any crimes committed in the West End
area. You would then leave any info you might have about the crime. More details in the
next newsletter.
- I recently received a phone call from an
individual who wanted to advertise the sale of a piece of furniture. This was discussed at
the meeting and we will have a "classifieds" section in future issues of the
newsletter. Each ad will run for one issue at a cost of $2.00 per ad. Call me at 722-9804
or e-mail powermt@gte.net.
CHAIRS - $400.00
- Susan Ettinger 765-0383 work 723-9137 home
The next meeting is combined with a tree trimming and
Christmas party. The festivities start at 1:00 PM on December 6 at Grace Court park. There
will be a tree trimming and caroling. Please bring an ornament for the tree. Immediately
following there will be Christmas cookies and cider at Kathy and Ken Otterbourg's home at
1201 Clover St. This event is for all ages and will take place rain, shine or other. Fun
and frolic continue at Missy and Jim Vaughn's at 7:00 PM on 814 West End Blvd. Please
bring an hors d'oevre or sweet treat. Beer, wine, and sodas provided - fun for all adults.
A new West End logo was discussed at a recent meeting of the
Long Range Planning Committee. We can use the creative juices of all West Enders in this
endeavor. All budding or seasoned artists can submit their logo ideas to David Elam
114 Piedmont Ave. or E-mail David.Elam@SLKP.com.
- The West End Association membership drive is here! All
residents are encouraged to join. Dues help pay for this newsletter (current circulation
700),which in turn keeps you informed of important events happening in and around the West
End. So join now and meet some of the fun people that make up the West End!
NAME OR BUSINESS________________________________________________________________
Regular Membership -- $15.00 / year
Senior Citizen or Full-Time Student -- $5.00 / year
Corporate or Business Membership -- $25.00 / year
Please enclose a check for the appropriate amount and
mail to: West End Association
P.O. Box 10055, Salem Station
Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Nick Kefal will now be known as the "Mad
Marketeer" -- his efforts in getting corporate sponsors for the West
Ender are nothing short of incredible! Please patronize our sponsors - doing
so will keep the West End viable for business. It will also provide you with
a welcome alternative to the driving nightmare of the Hanes Mall Road shopping
- Sea Products, located in the heart of West End,
has been preparing delicious holiday party fare for over ten years. Choose
from hand-peeled shrimp, an elegant salmon mousse, or a poached filet of fresh
salmon for those holiday parties. Seafood enhances any buffet table, and Sea
Products has the best. We also offer a complete selection of the finest fresh
and smoked seafood in the Triad and a complete line of prepared foods. Try
our famous Maryland crab cakes or one of our satisfying homemade chowders
to take the chill off after Christmas shopping. Discovered the secret to your
holiday success at our unique store located behind the Snob Shop.
- The "new" PREMIER IMPORTS offers
a unique line of distinctive home accessories, gifts, wicker items and futons.
They have the largest selection of futons and futon covers in the Triad area.
Definitely a unique store with a lot of character offering those special accessories
or gifts at competitive prices. Premier Imports is owned and operated by Lucia
and Ed Williamson and they invite you to visit them at 1520 West First St.,
next to the Grecian Corner off the Hawthorne Curve, 722-1391.
P.O. Box 10055, Salem Station,
Winston-Salem, NC 27108
Editors: Mike Tyson / Helene Cannon 722-9804
powermt@gte.net / hcannon@ibm.net
Business Manager: Nick Kefal 725-9209
Circulation: David & Lisa Elam 724-5282
- Production: Mike Tyson