The West Ender
March News Letter
The Membership Application appease twice in this issue. This is because Treasurer Mike Hill reports that some members have not sent in their renewal checks, .which were due January 1. Regular, membership is $15.00. This membership entitles you to the monthly newsletter which keeps you informed of the neighborhood events and concerns. The dues are used to offset the cost of producing the newsletter and to allow the Association to continue to sponsor neighborhood events. If you have sent in your renewal check, please accept a hearty thank-you.. If you have not renewed your membership, please do so as soon as possible. It should be noted that $15.00 is considerably less than the checks that most of us will be writing next month to the Internal Revenue Service. Unlike the IRS, the West End Association .will not make your life burdensome if you don't send us money nevertheless sending in your dues allows you to enjoy the many privileges of West End Association membership and ,allow in the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping to make your corner of the world a better place. Sorry, no tote bags, yet.
There is an extra application form on the back of this newsletter. Please use it to encourage your friends and neighbors who are not members of the association to join. Checks can be made payable to the West End Association. The mailing address is West End Association, PO BOX 10055, Salem Station, Winston-Salem, NC 27108.
Be awake. There is change in the air.
Daffodils are dancing all over. Even the 'Raytheon Building at the comer of Third and Liberty streets has a happy patch of them. Raytheon Building? It used to be the Winston-Salem headquarters of Nations Bank. Some folks call the place Bumette Plaza. They own it. Raytheon sounds better. Wonder what Raytheon does?
Greensboro's Good-Old Rabbit-Ears Channel 2 switched form Cable 3 to Cable 9. They didn't say word about it. While on the subject of cablevision, Time Warner added Golf and History to the 'expanded' menu. Life is good.
West End Cafe is really going to move to the Holladay Surgical Supply Building. There won't be a food sevice entity in the old spot. For those who remember the Toddle House, life will not be the same.
There's a new bar on Burke Street- "Knowhere." What an unusual name for a bar. It must be run by former cheerleaders. Maybe not. Wasn't the chant, "You ain't going knowhere, knowhere?'
William L. Durham is moving his law office from. his home on Summit Street to the fifth floor of the historic office building at the come, of Third and Main streets. Today the building is known simply by its address: '8 West Third Street Building." For many years it was the headquarters of Wachovia Bank. That changed in 1966 when Wachovia moved to the "glass box the Reynolds Building came in."
Ervin Brown has moved his law office FROM the 8 west Third Street Building to West End adjacent to Grace Court. His new address is 1014 West Fifth Street.
Former West End resident Nancy L. Wooten changed from Democrat to Republican. She served four terms on the school board. She's moving her law office from the second to the fifth floor of the 8 West Third Street Building.
The West End Tap Room has taken over the spot once occupied by Prince's on the Park. Maybe the folks who "ain't going Knowhere will find the West End Tap Room.
Better weather has led to progress on the Meridian Groups Fourth Street office condominium project across from Kilpatrick Stockton. The same is true of the Million Dollar Baby known as the Gladstone Apartments. Bill Gibson, who lives p the hill from it' wants to form an ad hoc committee to help assimilate the new entity into the neighborhood.
There is a new law of physics: Telephone poles attract cars. Twice this year folks in and about West End lost electric power because of this new law. The first episode was widely publicized. It happened at night near the Convalescent Center on First Street. The driver of the car thought it ,as 'cool.' It certainly made a lot of people hot. Perhaps there is a law which says "opposites attract."
The second episode ,as not reported in the newspaper or on television even though power was out for approximately two hours. It happened on or about 7:15, Monday morning, March 10. Perhaps the driver wasn't quite awake. It was obviously too early for any reporters. Following the law of physics, the car was drawn to a telephone pole or, the north side of Glade Street near the bridge over Peters Creek. The car was coming down the Glade Street hill toward Hawthorne Road when it left the pavement and hit the pole. Lights out, baby.
Around Town
This month's West Ender features the Robinhood Trails Neighborhood Association. It was formed in 1964 for the purpose of maintaining the residential integrity of the area by opposing further commercialization of Robinhood Road. The neighborhood is about six miles west of downtown.
Like the West End Association, Robinhood Trails confronts business encroachment and traffic problems. The area is partially bounded by two of the city's busier roadways Silas Creek Parkway and Robi.nhood Road. One of the fist groups to start a Neighborhood Watch, the association also participated in the development the Robinhood Area Plan which ,as adopted in 1986.
Since its formation, Robinhood Trails has influenced the drafting of several ordinances and has negotiated neighborhood protections in planning board and zoning board of adjustment matters. The association communicates with its members through newsletters and flyers distributed by block captains. In May of 1978 the association had its first social function, a spring picnic. Today the association has four social events each year. Its neighborhood flower bed has won several prizes over the years.
The association president is Con Strittmatter of 817 Clovelly Road. Other officers are Marjorie Hoots, vice president Nelie Griffin, secretary and Beverly Gonzales, treasurer. Newsletter editors are Spencer and Donna Gung.
April Meeting
The April West End Board meeting will be at the home of Mary Ann Sevick and Nick
Kefal, 122 Piedmont Avenue, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 1, 1997. Every one is invited.
No Fooling.