February 2000
EDITOR NOTES You've probably noticed some changes to the business cards adorn the periphery of the newsletter. Some of the businesses moved to another part of town, others simply closed and the rest ( a very small number) decided not to advertise for this calendar year. The remaining businesses (51), not only provide valuable revenue to produce our newsletter, but are a vital part of the West End neighborhood and Winston-Salem. The next time you are buying flowers at Price Davis Florist, taking "Muffy" to the Boulevard Animal Hospital or renting the latest French film from West End Video, take a minute to thank these businesses and do the same at any of the other West End businesses that support the newsletter and our neighborhood.
Also, I haven't received any calls or e-mail from anyone interested in becoming the new editor of the West Ender. I realize the recent bad weather has kept you worrying whether Harris Teeter is stocking large amounts of bread and milk - however, WE NEED YOUR HELP! My last issue is in March and the West End needs a dynamic individual with a keen wit to continue this endeavor. I will assist the next editor for the first their couple of months and provide ongoing assistance as needed. Give me a call at 722-9804.
Thanks to all those who contributed both time and money to make the West End Community Fund Campaign a successful event! The Historic District Signs will be installed as soon as the weather permits, and the Period Clock has been ordered for Grace Court. Expect to see the Clock installed early this summer.
Dan Falken presented the Treasurer's report and the status of the Community Fund
The West End Association Meeting is February 1st 7:30PM - 8:45PM at Brunson Elementary School cafeteria. This is the annual meeting, so elections for the Board will be held, and dues for next year should be paid. It's time to start planning for the Y2K Holiday House Tour. At the February meeting, we will be asking for a volunteer to head this bi-annual event. It's a wonderful showcase for our neighborhood, and a great way to get to know your neighbors. We would love to see some fresh new faces - a Tour Chair-person and committee chairs are needed. (There will be plenty support from tour veterans!) Homeowners, please start thinking about whether you would like to put your house on the tour!
Bill Wise spoke about FIRST and West End Court Construction. At this writing, the FIRST situation has been resolved - they did not get approval to increase the number of tenants. The West End Court problem is still being resolved.
The Board voted to provide the Women's Club with $500.00 for a consultant to determine the renovation procedures and costs for their structure.
Three officers from the Winston-Salem police department attended and gave their incident report.
CrimeTIP Information Line 607-7260
The following is a list of the Certificate of Appropriateness applications for West End reviewed by the Winston-Salem Historic Commission last month (January 05, 2000). The Commission's vote on each application is shown in italics.
Kerry and Anne S. Macleod, Applicants Charles P. Johnston House 1404 Clover Street Screened Enclosure of Existing Main Level Rear Deck and Construction of New Second Level Porch on Rear of Structure Continued, at request of applicant, until the February 02, 2000 meeting
Edward and Jean Irvin Thomas J. Wilson House 644 North Spring Street Construction of a Two Level Rear Addition Approved with Conditions Billye Keith Jones Crichton-Atkinson House & Ferrell-Wright-McKeithan House 731 West End Boulevard & 614 West End Boulevard Relocation of Structure at 731 West End Boulevard to Vacant Lot Adjoining 614 West End Boulevard Approved with Conditions
West End Historic Overlay District
Allan and Laura Burrows, Applicants Robert S. Tilley House 834 Carolina Avenue Drive, Fence, and Landscape Alterations and Additions in Rear Yard of Property
Larry and Susan Rosen, Applicants Hanes House 1105 West Fourth Street Walk, Steps, and Landscape Alterations and Additions in Front Yard of Property
Kerry and Anne S. Macleod, Applicants Charles P. Johnston House 1404 Clover Street Screened Enclosure of Existing Main Level Rear Deck and Construction of New Second Level Porch on Rear of Structure
Briefing on Staff Approvals and Correspondence
621 Jersey Avenue, West End District, Tree Removal
Briefing of Demolition Order for property at 934 West Fifth Street, West End Historic Overlay District
Update on Foundation Work on Second Phase Development of West End Court, 1084 West Fourth Street, West End Historic Overlay District
Final Review and Revision; and, Adoption of Draft Minor Work Amendment to West End Historic Overlay District Design Review Guidelines
Reynolda House, Museum of American Art
I recently got a call from Judith Smith with the Reynolda House. The Museum of American Art is sponsoring a four week Saturday morning series on Turn-of-the Century Household decoration taught by curator, Joyce K Schiller. The four sessions meet consecutively and you can come to one session or all four. This is an excellent opportunity to for West Enders to observe how our homes might have looked in the early 20th century. The four sessions are $15.00 or $5.00 per lecture. For reservations and information, call Randi Teague at 725-5325
Our Annual Neighborhood Association Memebership Drive is in full swing! Member dues help publish the newsletter, funds to projects and neighborhood social events.
NAME ___________________________________ PHONE ______________
ADDRESS __________________________________________________ ( ) $15.00 Regular Membership ( ) $75.00 Business Membership
Please enclose check in the appropriate amount and mail to: West End Association P.O. Box 1005 Salem Station Winston-Salem, NC 27108