This is the letter that Eric sent to YMCA , the HDC, and the paper

On behalf of the West End Association, I am writing to report that the
Association members voted last night in its April meeting to vigorously
oppose the proposed demolition of three historic properties owned by the
YMCA along West End Boulevard: the Brannock House, at 719 West End; the
Bergman House, at 725 West End; and the Crichton-Atkinson House at 731
West End. By this letter, the Association asks the YMCA to withdraw its
request for demolition from the Historic District Commission.
Since our Association was founded thirty years ago, a primary mission
has been the preservation of the architectural integrity of the West
End. That mission was given national imprimatur with the creation of
the West End National Register Historic District in 1986 and local
validation in the granting of Local Historic District status in 1993.
We have consistently been vigilant in our opposition to unnecessary
destruction of the contributing structures with which we have been
entrusted, and we will continue to be so. We have the community's
assurance they stand behind that goal with the granting of our Historic
District status.

All three structures that the YMCA is seeking to demolish are listed in
the 1986 Historic Register Survey as buildings with unusual
contributions to the architectural mix of the West End. When these
homes were purchased by the YMCA, the YMCA assured West End neighbors
that these structures were to be used as low-cost housing, a
supplemental employee benefit, and would not be torn down. We feel that
a convincing case has not been made for the removal of these homes to
solve the YMCA's parking problems. We argue that the destruction of
contributing properties to the District demands a compelling argument
and we feel this has not been made.

We are neighbors of the YMCA, and many of us are customers of its
services and its financial supporters. We are sympathetic to its
problems. We cannot condone the removal of contributing structures in
our West End Historic District under any circumstances.
J. Eric Elliott

President, West End Association

cc: Members of the Historic District Commission